
Genevieve Hawkins

Genevieve Hawkins started her career as an Occupational Therapist, and has since worked extensively in workplace injury/illness management and prevention. Which led her to leading major transformations in the corporate world. She has always had a fascination for understanding how people thrive not just survive at work. It is this fascination with human behaviour, the patterns that she witnessed in people again and again in her work, and the way people worked within workplace cultures, that led her to further study and ultimately to write the book Mentally at Work.  

She now spends her time helping individuals and organisations to better connect with themselves, each other, and the broader ecosystem of the workplace they are in, to find practical ways to create mentally healthy workplaces that enable people to thrive. Genevieve is also currently writing her second book on untangling conflict in the workplace. She believes in the value of simplicity, pragmatism, finding the right way to talk about the elephants in the room, embracing clunky conversations and the importance of sticking to your ‘true north’ in order to get the right long term outcome for a business and its people. 


Practical Ways to create a Mentally Healthy Workplace

Speaker: Genevieve Hawkins