
Sarah Vizer

Sarah Vizer has over 20 years’ experience as a leader, mentor and corporate consultant, working with top tier organisations such as PwC, BHP Billiton, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Queensland University of Technology. After a period of corporate burnout in 2017, Sarah is now a well-regarded Leadership and Mindset coach at Beyond Burnout. Her work combines experience with current, evidence-based research, helping her clients break the cycle of stress and burnout, and process their strong emotions (such as frustration, emotional exhaustion, and overwhelm) along the way. 

Sarah likes to think of herself as a ROLE MODEL of how you can turn your life around after burnout, but also a CAUTIONARY TALE of what not to do! 

She lives in Brisbane, Australia with her partner and fur children. 

You can visit her at: 


The not-so-subtle art of dealing with OVERWHELM

Speaker: Sarah Vizer